Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Favorite, Nutritionist-Approved Snack for Dancers

Some dancers eat whatever they want.

You wouldn't know it if you saw them. Svelte, strong, lean, long. They look like dancers. And everyone thinks they're on a diet. One dancer I know lives almost exclusively on Shake Shack and Ensure drinks. She has what most would call "the perfect dancer's body."

I am, sadly, not a member of this group. And so, over the years, I've learned to eat and exercise in a way that makes me a successful and healthy impostor. 

The two most important takeaways from these experiences so far: 
  1. Eat every three hours, or four hours at most. Never go over four hours without eating. 
  2. Drink 64 ounces of water each day. 
These were, for me, the hardest things to change about my eating when I made the jump from student to professional. And gradually, I've learned how to make accomplishing these things a little bit easier. One of my favorite ways is this super-healthy, protein-packed, delicious snack, approved by an expert in dancer and athlete nutrition. 

It's very simple: microwave one Garden Lites souffle (any flavor will do, the spinach is my favorite) according to the package instructions. Then spread one light Laughing Cow cheese (again, any flavor) wedge on top. That's it! 

Although in your balance you'd technically count the Garden Lites souffle as a starch serving, it comes with a little extra protein, and a little extra vegetable kick too. The laughing cow cheese balances the snack for sustained energy. 

Nutritionally, it's just a starch and a milk serving, like a snack of crackers and cheese. But the souffle is so much more delicious than most every whole grain cracker on the market. Enjoy whenever you need to eat something substantial, but don't have time for a full meal. 

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