Thursday, June 19, 2014

Holy Basil for Stress Management

Dancers are a diverse group; we come from all over the world. We have our own styles, our own unique identities within the dance community.

But in many ways, we are the same. And a lot of times, we think of ourselves in terms of the things we share. 

Most of us share a certain level of perfectionism, for example. 

And yes, there are exceptions to this. But on the whole, most dancers share a certain attention to detail. We look for patterns. We scrutinize our formations, our spacing, our lines. Perfectionists are drawn to careers like dance. We thrive in coming as close as we can to excellence. Since the medium for dance is the body, when your dancing improves, there is a way that you feel you have improved as a person. You become closer to perfection not only as a dancer but also as an individual. Dancers crave this feeling. In this way, perfectionism drives us towards success.

But perfectionism also comes with a price. At times, it can damage, rather than enhance our performance.

My own perfectionism can often result in worry and anxiety rather than productivity. When I come home in the evening from dance and finally have time to rest I start to worry about my performance and how I could do better. This on one hand is great — it can help me improve. On the other hand, sometimes I worry a little bit too much. So I've developed several ways that I cope with stress in the evening to wind down at the end of the day. 

I have found that taking a Holy Basil herbal supplement in the afternoon before a performance, or after a particularly difficult day in the studio, helps me deal with evening anxiety. Often I also make jewelry in the evenings, as a way to engage my mind and body in something entirely separate from the day at dance.

Focusing on other things does help me wind down, but from my experience the Holy Basil supplements play a major role in my ability to manage stress. The herb has been used for thousands of years in India to treat colds, coughs, and other ailments and is essential to Ayurvedic medicine. More recently, research has been conducted that suggests Holy Basil may have anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effects. 

However, the most compelling and exhaustive research shows that Holy Basil is one of the most effective herbal supplements that can relieve symptoms of stress. When combined with breathing exercises and relaxing activities, it can be very helpful. 

Holy basil supplements can be purchased at any vitamin or health food store. I use the brand "New Chapter." 

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