Thursday, June 26, 2014

Healthy Summer Dinner Party for Three

The rain and the crashing of the waves. The clinks and laughter of a busy kitchen. This is when it truly starts to feel like the off-season.

Building balanced meals is essential to recovery and building strength during the off-season. Especially while on vacation, and especially when dealing with minor injuries, dancers tend to want to eat less.  But in order to heal, rebuild, and recharge, you actually need to eat more! 

For this dinner, my mom, aunt, and I had balance and a light summer feel in mind. 

The Menu: 

Grilled Swordfish with Horseradish Dill Sauce
Green Salad with Local Tomatoes
Quinoa Pasta with Goat and Feta Cheese
Grilled Green Pepper

The Steps: 

1. Brush the swordfish with olive oil and season with dill. 

2. Throw it on the grill with any raw veggies you might have on hand (we had a lovely fresh green pepper). It was raining outside, but we were up to the challenge of grilling in our raincoats!

3. Combine greens and chopped tomatoes in a large salad bowl. 

4. Mix half a lemon with one half cup olive oil and season with salt and pepper for salad dressing. 

5. Cook pasta according to package instructions, and coat with olive oil. Top with crumbled feta, sundried tomato, and goat cheese. 

6. Combine dill, mayo, and a touch of horseradish — this makes a delicious sauce to serve with the grilled swordfish. 

7. Once the swordfish has cooked evenly, remove it from the grill with your vegetables, and serve. 

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